Monday, 8 February 2010

Right, I don't want to sound negative....

But here are a list of things I do not like about France

1) F***ing Strikers with their bins, and their blocking of trams lines and making fires that make my coat stink of smoke

2)The ridiculous hours that things are open, or more often not open. NOTHING is open on a sunday in town except the odd cafe and the cinema and museums. What do people do all day?

3) Basically everything about my halls except the people, who are nice. Nothing else is nice, the showers are dingy, the toilets have no seat, the kitchen has 3 hobs and a microwave for about 30 people - it's france for gods sake, and there's not even an oven.

4) The amount of time I'm expected to be in hospital - I'm not getting paid for this, i've done my exams, I want to spend my afternoons napping while i still have the chance

5) The price of basically all cosmetics/toiletteries - 1 euro 50 for like the tiniest bottle of nail varnish remover EVER

6)the price of alcohol in bars - 13 euros for 1 vodka and coke and one beer - RIDICULOUS - we're never going to meet people if we can only afford to spend our evenings drinking in our room!

however, it's not all bad tomorrow (or there abouts) I will write more positive things.



  1. 1) It's part of life's rich tapestry

    2) Eat, drink, sleep and pray. Perhaps visit "Le Nantes Centre"?

    3) Is le Pot Noodle the answer?

    4) It's all part of life's rich tapestry

    5) Tell Mrs M what you need and she'll smuggle some in.

    6) Wine? Le Pot Noodle?

    How many Euro's to the £? Must be getting a better rate by the day considering the "Eurozone Crisis"?

  2. Alex! Such negativity! I felt like we had quite an action packed Sunday, very cultural, and we have plans for the next one too!

    Dad - I will give Mum a list of things to bring over but I've not thought of much yet. Not sure about the exchange rate, we are just being frugal and counting it as one to one


  3. Right! i've managed to sign up finally.

    I was told by the person who did my "inscription administrative" that we would be getting paid about 100 euros per month. so there goes one of the negative points :) hopefully. she might have been in a cruel mood.

    Have you noticed the hierarchy between the internes, chef de service and externes? It's really quite funny how the internes will just completely blank out the externe's "hello", and are always throwing looks of freezing scorn in our direction or reprimanding us (well, not all of them!). i've been told that this is the natural order of things and they're just replicating what happened to them. and people are just so forceful whenever they're reporting their dissatisfaction about anything - quite entertaining to watch really!

    anyway, i've teamed up with the third years haha. they're new to the ward as well so we're discovering things together, which is not a bad way to start. hopefully my knowledge of some subjects that they havent covered yet compensate to some extent the look of utter bewilderment that is on my face the rest of the time!

    waiting for the next post ;)

    take care girls,
    Lona xx

  4. Whaaaat!!! We definitely do NOT get paid. I'm about 97% sure. Paris is the place to be obviously! However, I think the general mood on the wards sounds better here - the internes and even the chefs de service (for the most part) are all really friendly. The chef de clinique can be a bit mean though. I've attached myself to some younger students too! They feel just about my level!

