Thursday, 25 February 2010

Communication francais style

Indeed I do have an example Marie!

First can I just say that oh I too feel Marie's pain - I reckon that I fail to translate a word in pretty much every single sentence that I say but I think I may have just stopped caring, its like, they think I'm an idiot, I feel like an idiot so at least we're all in agreement!

So anyways, back to fabulous french communication, for those of you who don't know the S in SPIKES is for setting - obviously a busy coridoor is not the place for discussions about end of life care. Now i can't remember what all the rest of the letters stand for but the gist is, warning shots, information bit by bit.

what you should most definitely NOT do is what one of the doctors on pneumo did
" well Madame " (i'm paraphrasing here obv) " you've had a blood clot in your lungs and we need to find out why this is, there's lots of reasons, including cancer, so anyway off you go, see you later"

Result: one frightened woman who hasn't really been properly told why she's in hospital and thinks she's got cancer, decides to leave "contre-avis". cue much loud discussion, then some shouting that i couldn't really follow and us externes being told to wait in the office and not go out in the corridoor, security men getting called. Ooh the drams

To be honest i quite enjoyed it, it was all very exciting, but I did feel for the woman and it's definitely a good example of how not to talk to patients.


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