Thursday, 18 February 2010

france certainly needs its health system

Cos i swear being healthy in this country is just god damn impossible - skimmed milk doesn't seem to exist - or low fat mayo for that matter and everyone eats enormous meals at lunch time of like steak and chips and there are beautiful looking cakes everywhere and yet they're all as skinny as anything!

Our halls are having an international evening and we have to take some english delicacies - TIPS PLEASE - bearing in mind we have no oven

in case you all didn't know its St Bernadette's day today

You know i think we should do like russians do and celebrate our Sts days as well as our birthdays - good plan no?



  1. Un box de Cadbury's Chocolate Fingeres

    Un selection de Findus Crispy Pancakes

    Une bowl de Oxtail Soup

    Les Bacon Butties

    The list is endless...

    Apparently Chicken Tikka Masala is now our favourite dish?

  2. Haha! I don't think we have that much gourmet competition to be honest. The Canadians on Alex's floor are doing:

    1) Shepherd's pie (is that Canadian?!)
    2) Chips and cheese and gravy (ditto)
    3) Some kind of candies made from mashed potato, peanut butter and a ton of icing sugar (just what???)

    We had discussed les bacon butties but you can't get proper bacon here, only stuff that is cut into cubes called 'lardons' which would be quite strange in les butties. So far our ideas are cucumber sandwiches, baked potato with a variety of fillings (you would not believe the funny looks we've had from people at our baked potatoes! Apparently it's not a dish that has spread throughout the world!) and maybe trifle?


  3. What about Sausage and Mash?


    Liver, Bacon and Onions?

  4. Hi Marie,
    The sun is shining here hope it is with you.
    Can I add to the food list, or is it too late
    Crisp Butties (always a classic, Delia has her own spin on this)
    Angel Delight
    and Le Choc Fingers
