Monday, 15 March 2010

Castle Showdown

Because as they say a picture is worth 1000 words, here are some more photos of what we have been up to.

When Rheon visited last weekend we went for an explore around town to show him the sights and the conversation took an obvious turn: If Nantes castle and Caernarfon castle had a fight, who would win?

1) Older
2) Has been featured on the Google home page

1) Better gargoyles
2) It's got a moat


We also took some pictures of the famous elephant, I am amazed that with all the mentions he's had on this blog we are yet to show you what he looks like.

Meet Jules:

Here is some footage of him in action, for those of you not on Facebook:

And here is a photo of Alex and I standing exactly on top of his head! With hindsight I really wish we had done the 'Titanic' pose. Maybe next time.

Another thing we did was discovered a little bit of nature sitting right on our doorstep - I don't believe it's taken more than a month to do this but we explored the banks of the local river Erdre and it's lovely! You can walk or take boats right along it, and even a bus that's disguised as a boat, and there is even a little chateau not very far away at all. Plus we saw some sort of wildlife, which looked like a beaver, but might have been an otter, and maybe just a relative of them both.

And finally because no weekend in France is complete without one, here's a photo of a demonstration:


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